Thursday, May 1, 2014

Learning to adapt with a cheaper skin regime

Since I'm going back to Malaysia in a few weeks time, I had already taught my face to truly accept the cheaper skin care. I used to wear clinique but since I've already ran-out of it, I bought myself simple skincare!! a set of clinique cost me £70 ++ while a set of simple only cost me £4 ++. What a totally big differences!! I had used clinique as my skin was really deteriorated during my 1st year. I had tried so many products that seems not working for me until I came across clinique. From that day, clinique was my bff. hehe... but now, I shift myself to simple skincare as I don't think I can afford to buy it in Malaysia and perhaps my skin will be working well in Malaysia ... (what do i mean by working well??).. but the main reason for buying simple is the result of having few pounds left for these few weeks left!! (trying to get a sympathy.. muahaha.. )


I can't wait to get home!!

and with all due respect, I can no longer bear living here

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