Tuesday, May 31, 2011

La Tahzan

Jangan bersedih, meskipun kau merasa sangat sakit dengan apa yang dikatakan orang lain terhadapmu..
Jangan bersedih, meskipun apa yang dibuat belum membuahkan hasil yang memuaskan untuk dirimu..
Jangan bersedih, meskipun tatkala orang lain memandang rendah terhadap kemampuan yang kau miliki...
Jangan bersedih, meskipun engkau telah banyak kali terjatuh dan tersungkur sehingga hendak menangis..
Jangan bersedih, meskipun banyak onak duri yang menjadi rintangan dalam mencapai apa yang kau inginkan..
Jangan bersedih, meskipun saat itu kau merasa tersisih dari kehidupanmu..

Kerana ketahuilah, apa yang kau lakukan itu, jika bersedih, tidak akan membuahkan hasil,
tidak akan boleh merubah apa – apa pun menjadi lebih baik,
bersedih tidak akan menghilangkan sakit hatimu,
bersedih tidak akan menghasilkan kerja yang memuaskan,
bersedih tidak membuat orang memandang hormat kepadamu,
bersedih tidak membantumu untuk tidak terjatuh lagi,
bersedih tidak menghilangkan rintangan yang kau hadapi, dan
bersedih juga tidak membuat mu boleh diterima didalam lingkunganmu...hidup ini memang penuh dengan cubaan yang harus dihadapi,
tetapi yakinkanlah dari dalam lubuk hatimu,
bahawa Allah tidak akan menguji seseorang melebihi kemampuan dirinya,
Yakinlah setelah gelap pasti terang akan menjelang..

Ujian dan cubaan yang diberikan kepada kita, kepahitan dan keperitan yang kita rasai,
pasti ada makna disebalik itu semua,
Cuma bagaimana cara kita untuk mensyukurinya..

Jika ini ketentuan Allah,
mari kita cuba tabahkan hati,
kerana pasti tersirat sesuatu di balik yang tersurat itu…
kerana kita manusia biasa,
tidak terdaya memikirkan apakah hikmahnya..

apakah rahsianya...hidup ini terus berputar!
tiada masa untuk berlengah!
tiada masa untuk berpatah!

mari kita kuatkan hati yang serapuh kaca ini,
salutkan bersama doa tulus suci,
kerana doa itu tersimpan satu kekuatan,
kekuatan dari yang Empunya segalanya...Dan pastinya dunia bukan milik kita, untuk kita atur segalanya,
kerana takdir itu mengatasi tadbir…
tadbir dari manusia yang lemah,
takdir dari Tuhan Yang Maha Mencipta,

Simpan segala pahit dan duka, dalam surat kehidupan ini,
yang penuh sirat pengajaran.
disebalik yang terjadi pasti ada yang terjanji termateri sesuatu yang pasti jika kau ridha akan ketentuan Ilahi..
Siapa yang berbaik sangka kepada Penguasa ‘Arasy dia akan memetik manisnya buah yang dpetik di tengah tengah pohon berduri..

"Pimpinlah kami dalam menjalani kehidupan fana ini dengan kasih sayangMU yang tiada batasannnya.."

Sumber: La Tahzan Sahabat! | Paradigma MUKMIN http://akuislam.com/blog/renungan/la-tahzan-sahabat/#ixzz1Nx6pl2ZT 

Told 'ya

Is it good to act like that??? It bitterly hurts... I'll never be that nice to anyone after this... It do hurts when people do not appreciate what you have done to them. You're act is so irrelevant and I could not tolerate with you any more. Don't you have heart?? Can't you feel the cause that you have done to me? It truly hurts like rubbing salt in the wound. I surely wont be nice after this....................... I really wish that I am with my family now T_T

photo credit to saleem vekay 

but life must go on...aint we have bigger role to do here in this small small world...

photo credit to saleem vekay

Friday, May 27, 2011

Going to Cornwall

Despite the volcano that recently exploded in the north of UK, it never despair us from giving up our trip to Cornwall tomorrow. May Allah ease our journey and fill it with barakah. Cornwall was said to have a nice scenary! Well let the pictures tell us later. I have to go to sleep now. Bye.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Met him

I've done meeting with my supervisor and alhamdulillah everything went great. He gave me a clearer insight of the vague writing Ive made. He want to see me back in a couple of weeks later. And where am I at that time? Turkey. ahaha. So, what I need to do is doing the work immediately!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

5 minutes break

I am writing thru my phone right now. Awesome right?? haha... I am so addicted with my journals right now. A conspicuous example is that I just took a DAY just to finish reading an article! AWESOME right??? I hope that you wont fall under my sarcasm words upthere... Well I need to resume back my reading as a preparation for tomorrow meeting


I am badly sleepy. I was a sleep just a few seconds ago while reading the journal!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Random crap

Well it seems that I broke my own promise again of having an entry a day... But hey, at least I had an initiative to do it right? ahaks. Last Thursday, I went to a workshop called "writing your thesis" facilitated by Prof Norman Staines. I learned quite some things there especially how to boost up your writing... surely not by using a booster of course. It is by writing everyday for at least an hour consistently. He shared an experience of his colleague who was doing his Ph.D. at that time. His friend, spend every-30-minutes-a day of his time in a tube while going to school by writing down of what people he saw in the tube. By end of his Ph.D., his writing was worth a book. And surprisingly, the book hooked up a publisher and the book was published. Isn't that great? Not only he finished his Ph.D., he also got a book of his own writing. And also moneyyyy...haha. The main point here is that you need to write and write to be a good writer and as to look perfect you need lots and lots of practise. You aint gonna be a good-intelligent-superb writer in just one night. Even it's a crap with meaningless content but at least you have the gut to write something rather than just popping your eyes into others writings. But if you can bring something more meaningful content, it'll be more fantastic. Who knows that maybe your content can bring happiness/ideas/inspiring/motivation etc to those who accidentally stumbled upon your blog.

I am going to meet my supervisor this Thursday. We haven't met quite a long time. The last one was in end of last month. I had promised to do some critical review but I have not move that far yet to really criticise the strong-scientific word of others. I struggled enough to make my own words and barely how could  I find loops and gaps of other works???

I was about to tell about the UK weather when my eyes lid felt heavy and started to a up-and-down exercise. Just a brief forecast here, there's a volcano exploded, and all the airflight specifically up to the north, for instance, glasgow, scotland were shut down. Hmmm... Ok folks, see you later.

By the way, Im going to Cornwall this weekend. Hopefully we are welcome with a good weather this weekend. Bye bye. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

salutary - useful; valuable --> the pill has a salutary effect to reduce the headache pain
junctures - moment; satges; ocassion, intervals --> important decision made at