Monday, December 21, 2009


urgh...japan is so cold right now...i cant stand it anymore!! so, i flew back to malaysia for few days (this is totally fiction!!). last saturday, i went to PICC. so, what on earth did i do in PICC?? hehe... the details as below;

yeah, i went there to enlightened more of nur in my heart since i think it is full of unwanted or unnecessary stuff inside there...thank goodness they provided a translator...haha. i dont think my form5 knowledge of arabic language would ever help me. since a lot of it was forgotten...hoho. its main focus was on jihad fiqh. and it was really relevant with the world current situation. well, im not going to explain it longer as u could google it to find more info about, lazy as usual. dr masyitah was also there. it ended around 12 noon.

after zuhur, my family and i headed off to hotel seri malaysia in bagan lalang for vacation. it was exciting there.

here's the swimming pool that all my siblings jumped in

here's my bedroom shared with my lil sis

maybe some pictures of us will be uploaded later...

janna...see u later...

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