Monday, June 6, 2011

Blank = Blur = Writer's block?

I'm so in a tense situation right now. I'm still not finish with my work here and I have like just three more days. This is so nerve-racking that drove me a bit mad! So, I end up eating a home-made hot-spicy-curry noodle (instant maggie noodle to be exact here...heheh). I am grateful that I still can enjoy eating!!!

Well, thinking back of those couple years back, all I did was studying and studying. Alhamdulillah I have the opportunity to do that and I don't believe that I've been through all of this. Even though sometimes the tiresome and tiredness of studying do arose, but the satisfaction at the end is worth paying for. The journey towards it already brought valuable memories either it was a significant one or just a bunch of hodge-podge memories. Everything do account in my journey here.

Isn't it great if writing for an academic purpose is simple like writing in here where I can just simply pour my insights and thoughts without any formal writing!

Better go now as I am going to city to celebrate my house-mate's birthday.

See ya.

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