Saturday, October 13, 2012

Beto bkn bento!

Hahaha.. mase tulih entry ni sy rase sy dh x bape nk betul ni. Tulih n3 smbil senyum2... wah penangan phd sgt teruk bile masuk thn ke-3. what?? dh thn ke-3. Jom start pack brg2 sbb nk balik mesia dah. yeay yeay... x sbr nk jmpe family n bakal suami. oh mai... gedik nyo laaa... haha. lately, my interest has shifted so far away from my common sense and I do not know how it has been tremendously changed to a 180 degree point. I am so-ooo in to Beto. Not that I love Beto personally, but seriously this is the first time that I love someone for his/her acting skill. Am I nuts or what? muahaha... Even hearing his name, would make me smile like insane. Is this what you called love? Oh please Asma', wake up!! Gedik sgt haku... dah dah, back to business. I need to focus just for another one year and then nak beto ke, bento ke, lantak ler, ye dak. This is so utterly different from my friends' new interest, she likes reading bibliography of an icon but hey, I love reading bibliography too, but only Beto's bibliography... haha...for god sake... udahle ... smbng keje


Tuhan_Jagakan_dia said...

sepanjang peninggalan kamu..bair kita jaga beto ok..! haha

Haruna said...

haha.. tu pn kalo beto sudi