Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A quick update

I haven't been updating the blog for quite a while. It's because I'm in a state of miserableness. What is the main reason for that? Just one! I have not yet finish my work. I'm going to a conference but yet not still prepared for the upcoming conference. Arghh.... suka hati jek x prepare mende mende. I'm lucky because it's just a short oral communication. I do hope that I can get fully participate can update my knowledge there.

But, last week was an awesome weekend! I had the chance to visit Amsterdam. I'll update the full story of Amsterdam later. Remind me if I forget to do it!

- love you mom! eh tetibe : (

sian abah tak mention nama dia. umi n abah, the one i love most after Allah and Rasul. Oh rindunya kat mereka. Saya sebenarnya rasa phd saya mcm tahpape. Kalaulah mereka sume mengerti...
Dulu mase master pon rase master tahpape. tapi alhamdulillah sume pon ok je. hopefully untuk phd ni pon same. kdg kdg rase x significant langsung ape yg saya buat ni. bila rase x significant mulalah rase nk stop buatlah, salahkan byk mendelah... kdg kdg terpikir, ape sumbangan kite. nape Allah letakkan kita di sini. tapi rasa nk balik tu makin kuat bile stresssss... stress ngn kementerian kesihatan yang kata nk bagi data, kensel tamau bagi pulak... ape kes?? bagi je la... bukankah benda baru dapat dipelajari bila berkongsi apa yang ada... tak pahammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... kan dah kata aku tension. balik dari brazil ni, nk siapkan at least part results n discussion utk transfer tesis. abis je raya kat malasyia, aku nk transfer tesis. lepas transfer plak nk analysed data baru (doalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah dapat dari moh) buat results pastu submit. pastu nak balik malaysia, nk ngajar anak anak bangsa!! tu je plan masa kini. ni tulisan terus dari hati tanpa akal

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