Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday blues...

owh im so sleepy rite now... its not tht ive taken lunch or not... but my eyes...they're like Garfield now...and the office is so damn quite rite now... there's no one at all... just 1, 2 going back home soon after searching all the related journals needed. even miley cyrus song's (the climb) didnt work on made me more sleepy... why is this happening?? yesterday i was so energetic which i thought i will be the same for today.... but im not energized at all...i need to charged myself... i have a lot of worries actually... but make it silent...heheh.

while i googling some images, i stumbled upon this article on how to beat the monday blues.... em...lets check it together


Step 1
If you can, sleep in an extra hour on Monday mornings. Going to bed early on Sunday night doesn't always help because most people will remain awake until their usual bedtime.
(wish i could...)

Step 2
If you can't sleep in by a full hour (and most of us can't), take action Sunday night to shorten your morning preparation time so that you can set the alarm for 15 minutes later than usual. Wash your hair, pack lunches, lay out your outfit or pack your briefcase on Sunday night
(this one is good but rarely i had done the last-minute kinda bad)

Step 3
Hop out of bed the moment you wake up on Monday morning. Lingering in that downy comforter will only draw out the agony.
(had practiced it since little and 'istiqamah' until now...heheh)

Step 4
End your shower with a jolt of cold water to tear yourself out of your grogginess. Or exercise in the morning to get your blood pumping and to release those feel-good endorphins.
(wish i could...eiii..cold water in morning? naa..not me..)

Step 5
Get out in the sunlight. Bright light tells your body that it is indeed the morning and helps reset your internal clock.
(like this one)

Step 6
Drink coffee or another caffeine beverage. Although it's not healthy to drink caffeine to the point of addiction, caffeine, when used in moderation, can give your Monday mornings that much-needed oomph and alertness.

Step 7
Anticipate your Monday morning on Friday afternoon. Fight the temptation to race away from a messy desk. Clean up your desk and leave yourself a to-do list to make Monday morning a little more tolerable.
(will try it)

that's quite good ne... credit goes to here;

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